Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello All!
This weekend Clay and I went to a lake house with some dear friends of ours, David and Liz. We had so much fun and can't wait until the next time we get together. Clay has been best friends with David for a very long time, and ever since Clay and I started dating we would get together as couples and spend time together, so I have grown to love Liz throughout the whole process. We think and act so much alike, and it became very apparent when we were playing "The Newlywed Game" at the lake just for laughs. It was couple against couple, and because there was only one big bed at the house we were staying at, we decided that whoever won the rounds of The Newlywed Game would get to sleep in the big bed. We had so much fun, and really discovered how well we really knew each other. Girls and guys have a different make-up in their brains. To me, girls think logically, but that's a whole different ballgame right there. There were some questions that I just knew Clay was going to answer right, and he had no idea what my answer was, and other times I had no idea what his answer was. It was very interesting to see what Clay would say about me, and vice versa. Some of the topics we brought up were hilarious, while others brought up drama! In the end, we all had fun and grew closer together. Some of the crazy questions that we didn't get right was how many shoes do I have in my closet, or how many windows are in our house. Like really, who goes around counting their own shoes? Especially girls? That makes us feel guilty about how many we have, and I'd rather not feel that way, so of course we got that one wrong. And then Clay and I argued about how many windows we have in our home, seeing that we've only been here for 3 months anyways, we both are uncertain, but in front of our friends we have to at least act like we know what we're talking about! Here are some pictures of our trip, as you can tell, it got pretty heated with Clay pointing his finger and all. He wasn't the only one though, we all did that at one point, I was just lucky enough to catch him in the act....playing the blame game. :)
Sorry about the picture being split, I don't know how to fix it. :)

Anyways, we had a blast. It is always good to find people who are your age that enjoy doing the same things you enjoy. Clay and David have matching personalities as do Liz and I.
I am still working on the craft project I told you about, but am no where near being done. A few more days maybe.... but I promise it will be one to impress and inspire. I'll even show step by step how to do it, so you can do it too if your heart so desires! I hope you have a blessed day, and I love you for stopping by and reading my blog.

Until next time,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello All,
It certainly has been a while, eh? Now that I am married and have a few more responsibilities it seems less and less I find time to play on the computer all day! Not that I ever played ALL day anyways, but, you get the picture. Anyways, alot has happened since I posted last, I guess because it has been a whole TEN days since I've been on. Shame on me. Anyways, this last weekend I had an exam due in every one of my college classes, so I was studying a while for that. I went ant spend the day with my Grandma on Tuesday, she is in the hospital and not doing so well, so please remember her in your prayers. While I was home, I also visited my Granny and spent a little bit of time with her, and saw my Mom, Dad, and Hanna too. I couldn't see Caleb because he was at football practice (I'm glad the little guy found something to let out all his energy while still having fun with other little boys too). Yesterday Clay only had to work half of the day because the grass is starting to slow down on the growing, so he took me to Michael's (which is a craft store) and I had a ball! I love that place, and I think I would spend all of my money there if I'm not careful. I am always finding cute little crafts to do online, and there normally aren't too expensive, so I write down the materials I need and the next time I go to town I 'drop by' the crafts store. Clay is so funny! The first two minutes he was all into it, trying to help me find things that matched, but that quickly dwindled away, and then he was off the to the candy aisle to see what he could eat while I was 'crafting it up'. I didn't expect much else, because I never see men in that store ever, but he was being kind and tried to act interested, which was good enough for me! We spent $11 and saved money too because I printed out a coupon before I went (I know I must have mentioned that I love couponing before!).

So, 8 things for $11...not too shabby in the craft world, and wait until you see what I make of it all! I can't wait to show you. Of course, it will take a few days at the least to make because I have school and such, but as soon as I get it done I will post it on here to show you all. Don't be surprised if you get inspired by it and want to go to Michael's yourself and do the same thing! Tonight we will be having quesadilla's for supper. Not the kind from Moe's (but of course I do love theirs), we have a quesadilla maker of our own! Hooray! Now we can eat Mexican style food whenever we want! I'm sure it will be delicious. I am also going to try my hand at singing with Clay's sisters today. They (Katie, Rachel, Rebecca, and Anna) sing in front of their church on different occasions and they have asked me to join them and start practicing with them. I love to sing, and so of course I said yes. Well, that is all for today that will be going on. Tomorrow will be an adventure of it's own.

Until next time,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Birthday Time

Today it's my birthday! I am 21 today, and so happy to be able to live another year. God is so good. Birthday's have always been a big deal at my house, my Mom and Dad always threw birthday parties for each of us every time another year rolled around. This year, I am 21, but that doesn't change anything for me. I'm not going to go out tonight and binge drink. Why would I? I want to set an example of Christ, and be remembered for what I acted like. I want people to remember me as a constant, someone who never changed or acted a different way in front of different people. With that being said, going out and drinking on my 21st birthday is just not something  that I would normally do. I don't want a lost person to see me and say "She is not any different than me, why do I want to become a Christian ?". I want them to see the love of God in me, and I try daily to portray that and show others around me this. (I just went way into left field there, but I've been thinking of it lately, so I had to say it.) Anyways, because birthdays are special to me and my family, we went over to my mom and dad's house this weekend to celebrate. This is something that is special, not because I get a present or two, or because all of the attention is on me, but because we are all together enjoying one anothers' company. I wanted to share a picture of one of my birthday parties that I have saved on my computer. This picture means so much. My sister and best friend sits right beside me, my cousins Amanda and Melissa attended and are behind me, My Papa who is missed but is in heaven now is behind all of us, and Daddy who is getting ready to cut the cake are all there. Oh, and who can forget one of the most important people in the whole picture, Mom. Of course you can't see her, that's because she is always the one taking the picture, but she is very important in the birthday celebration, she usually is the one who plans it all. Well, the whole gang is here, and while it might not be tons of friends from school, the people who matter the most were there, and that's family. Family sticks together through thick and thin.

 I hope you all have a marvelous day, and I'll try to do the same! ;)
Until next time,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


To all of you out there,

Hello. And welcome back to another episode of life with Tiffany. I am so happy that you all read my posts, and today it said that my blog has been viewed 255 times! Alright! I have some loyal fans, even though I only have one follower (Thanks Mrs. Joyce). Right now I am doing my school work, adding a post to my blog, and my husband is cooking some mac-n-cheese for lunch. I was browsing Pinterest a few minutes ago (Pinterest is a website that has alot of DIY projects and creative things) and I came upon a neat idea that I should have thoughtt of ages ago. Do you ever have cupcake wrappers all of the place in 5 different containers? Well, with the help of Pinterest, I have come up with a solution for your problems.
Meet the organizer of the year. This is actually just a clear spaghetti jar that is serving it's purpose as a cupcake wrapper holder. It is cute, efficient, and makes you feel organized and in control of your kitchen! I am definitely going to be buying me one of these soon.....and then I'll have to buy some cupcake wrappers to go in it! :) You have to remember that I am a newlywed that has never lived on her own, so we buy things as we need them. When I first made pasta in our new home I was looking all around for a strainer for about 30 minutes before I realized that I didn't have one. I guess I just thought that when I got married I would automatically have all of the kitchen utensils and everything else I used to have at my parents house. This was not the case, however, but I like it that way. It makes me appreciate things more when I need it and have to wait a while to get it. Well, if I don't get to doing my school work, it won't be a pretty sight, plus, the mac-n-cheese is done! I hope you all have a great and marvelous Tuesday, and happy late Labor Day to you all.

Until next time,