Hello All,
It has definitely been a FULL week for me. If you only knew, you would wonder how it was all done. I will start from the beginning of the week and let you in on my wonderful, crazy, sorrowful, yet blessed life. It has definitely been a whirlwind, and I have told so many people about everything that has happened to me that I figured my followers would want to know as well. On Monday I did the usual, which is go to college and then the unusual which was go to revival. This last week was revival at our church, but I only got to go to Monday night because of everything that has happened. As soon as I stepped out of church on Monday Hanna called Clay's phone, and to make a long story short, she told me that our grandmother had passed away. I was so upset that I hadn't been able to tell her goodbye. I went to see her while she was in the hospital just a week before that, and I thought she was going to get better. I never said my goodbyes to her because I just knew I would see her again, but at home next time. I loved to play cards with my grandma, and she loved it too. Really she just loved to do anything. She was so lonely that everytime I went to leave her home she would stand at the screen door on her porch and her eyes would follow me until I was out of sight. That killed me, because I knew she was lonely, so it made me want to visit her even more. I wish I would have been there to tell her goodbye, but living so far away crippled that ability for me. She knew that I loved her, and I know that one day I will see her again, so I am happy about that. On Tuesday and Wednesday I stayed at grandma's house all day to catch up on some much needed family time with cousins, aunts, and uncles. There was so much food brought, and we were so thankful to everyone who was so thoughtful. Thursday was the day of grandma's viewing. I woke up and had tremendous amounts of pain in my lower left back, so much that I couldn't sit, stand, or walk without the pain being there. This also happened on Monday, but I blew it off because it was a one time deal. Now that it had happened twice I knew something was wrong, so I went to the doctor and ended up getting a C.T. Scan at the hospital because my doctor thought I had kidney stones. She called me and told me I don't have kidney stones, so good news is I don't have a problem, bad news is I still have to pay the medical bills (blah!). I also had planned a jewelry party on Thursday, and had this planned for the last few months with Mrs. Debra. She is such a sweet lady and I had been looking forward to having this party for her to make some extra money, so I decided not to cancel it. I had to skip my grandma's public viewing to go to the party, but because 82 people were invited to this party, I couldn't just 'not go' and I wanted to be responsible and stick to my prior obligations. My back was still hurting, so Hanna went with me to the party to help me. When we got to Mrs. Debra's house I realized I left some jewelry at my house, so I got in my car and ran down the road to grab the pieces I had forgotten. I was only going about 40 mph, but my car's tires slipped on the limerock that was just put down and I started swerving everywhere on the road. I had lost control, and instead of doing the sensible thing of stepping on the break and holding the wheel straight I kept pushing the gas and turned the wheel this-way-and-that trying to make the car go straight. (future reference to everybody- that's a bad idea). I ended up on the side of the road in the ditch upside down, I had flipped my car and was now stuck upside down with no way to get out. I started honking on the horn hoping someone would hear me and come help me while all the while praying that God would help me get out of this mess alive. Thankfully people started coming to my rescue one right after the other after only a minute of being stuck in the car. I am convinced that my Grandma asked God to send me a guardian angel to protect me in the accident, because I walked away with only a little scratch on my knee (my car wasn't so lucky, but thankfully I have a Daddy who can do wonders). So let's recap, shall we?
Monday: Grandma passed away
Tuesday/Wednesday: Stayed at grandma's house visiting with family
Thursday: Woke up with pain, went to the doctor, got C.T. scan done at the hospital, went to grandma's private viewing for a minute, went to jewelry party (but before I got to actually do the jewelry party)....had a wreck and flipped my car.
Friday: Grandma's Funeral, sore
Saturday/Sunday: Sore
Good news is I made an 83 on my accounting quiz without studying at all this week! I will say that I was telling one of my friends from college everything that had happened to me this last week (trying to explain why I made a B on the quiz instead of the usual 100) and my teacher overheard and asked me to repeat to her what had happened. When I got done she said "Tiffany, it's amazing that you say all of those things have happened to you, yet you still have a smile on your face". That made me feel good, I like to leave impressions like that on people. I want to be known for being a good example of a Christian woman, that I smiled, laughed, and had a fulfilling life, and that I brightened others' days. My grandma was so giving, she would the shirt off of her back to someone if they needed it. She was a saint, and I love her always. I know I will see her one day in heaven, so I will cherish the memories I have of her until then. This week has been a FULL week, but God has been good to me. I know that He saved me from the accident I was in because I still have something to do for Him. My time has not yet come, and I want to be the guiding light for others to come to know Him. I want to fulfill God's will for my life. I hope that this week finds you with great happiness, and not as much craziness as it did me last week. If by chance, your week is as crazy as mine, just remember that God is with you, He knows what is best for you, and He has a plan for your life.
Most people say "Thank God it's Friday" but this week I am singing "Thank you God it is Monday", because Monday means the start of a new week. Have a great week, and tell the ones you love that you love them, because tomorrow might be too late.
Until next time,