Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello All,

Today I will discuss with you my viewpoint on "skinny". So many people come up to me on a regular basis and tell me that I am skinny. Some of these people are old friends, while some of them I have never even met. They come up to me and tell me that I am SOOOO skinny. In my head I think to myself "Really? You think I'm skinny? I didn't even know!" I know that is a very sarcastic way of thinking, but it gets tiring hearing people tell me I'm so skinny. It's like, I know I'm skinny already! It is the way God made me, and I have embraced that. I am glad that I can eat whatever I want to, whenever I want to, and never gain a pound, because I am sure once I start having kids the pounds will come. They always do (or so I hear). The thing is, I never go up to people and say "Hey! Oh my goodness, you are SOOO fat!" How horrific would that be to somebody? I would probably get knocked out by somebody if I said that, especially since they would be bigger than me, they would be able to! I have never been big, and I think the most I ever weighed in my entire life was 102 pounds. I count that as a blessing, not as a curse, even when people say "you poor thing, you look like you are 14 because you are so tiny". I just smile and say thank-you. Do you want to know why I smile and say thank you? I do it because I am confident in who I am. I thank God for letting me be just the way I am, and I praise Him for that. Everybody has a little quirk about them; some think they are too tall, too short, too skinny, too fat, have too many freckles, don't have straight teeth, have to wear glasses, I mean the list can go on and on and on. The point is that God gave us all one body while we are here on this Earth. Sure, we could go through procedures and change things about us, but then we wouldn't be unique and specially made like God intended for us to be. He loves us, and we should love one another. I hope you all have a restful night tonight and a wonderful day tomorrow. I will, and I will praise God for everything He has done for me. I might not be richly blessed in monetary value, but where that lacks, love is there. God has blessed me richly in so many ways, as He has done for you as well. Thank God and praise Him for His goodness, because He is So Good!

Until Next Time,

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