Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pickin' up the Pecans

Hello All!
What a wonderful day it is that God has given us today. Don't you agree? For the past few days now I have been bombarded with school work, so I have found that my release is to go outside and pick up pecans. I used to do this as a child with my famil and it was so much fun searching for more pecans to add to the bucket. I have already picked up a phenomenal amount of pecans, and there are still many more left to pick up! Guess who I found out also loves pecans....Crimson! But he doesn't love just any old pecan, oh no. He only likes to gnaw on the ones that are in my bucket that I have already picked up. I'm thinking to myself "Are you kidding me? All of the pecans laying around on the ground and you are wanting to eat the pecans i've already picked up and put in the bucket? Good gracious!" That dog is smart, I tell you. And so then I decided to give him the pecans that are bad and let him chew on those, but of course he doesn't want those, only the ones in the white bucket. Oh well, what can I say...the dog has good taste!
Isn't he just so stinking cute?!? He just wants me to give him attention I guess, and the only way I will give him attention while I am picking up pecans is if he tries to steal the good ones away. Oh, by the way, I just want to throw this out there that I say pecan like (PEE- CAN).....NOT (PU-CAHN). People that say it that way are wrong. I am sorry, but they just are. Either that or they didn't grow up in the south, because if you say it the (PU-CAHN) way you just aren't Southern. That's kind of like hating sweet tea or fried chicken. It's just not normal. Anyways, I am having a ball picking up pecans everyday. It makes me want to grow pecan trees and have a pecan grove. I wouldn't even have to hire anybody to pick them up for me because I would be happy to do it myself!

Happy pecan picking upin'
Until Next Time,

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